__ ____ ____________ __ ________/ /\ / /\ / __ __ /\ ________/ /\ / _____/ // / / ____ /_/\/ /\/_/ // _____/ / / /_____\// / / / /\\_\/ / /\_\// /_____\/ / ___/\ / / / / / / / / / / ___/\ / /___\/ / /_/____ / / / / / / / /___\/ /________ /\/________ /\/___/ / /___/ / /________ /\ _\_______/_/ /\_______/ / /\___\/ \___\/ \_______/ / / ___ / \_______\_\/_________\_\/_____________________________\_\/_/ /\ /_______________________________________________________________/ / \______________________________________________________LoWLiFe__\/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elite proudly Presents: STARDUST The Final Version How to use the files found in the archives..... First you MUST read carefully the following rules especially if you're a Swapper or a single player..... 1) Getting the Game from an Elite BBS (Lucky guy) Use MSA to recover Stardust disk One,two and three.... Stardust.prg is the booting program... So you may copy it onto your hard drive or onto a boot-disk... Run this prg and a nice Elite ascii intro appears on the Screen... Now introduce carefully Stardust disk 1 into Drive A then press space... After follow intructions on screen.... 2) Getting Stardust from a friend (Lucky guy) Copy disk 1,2 & 3 with FastcopyPro No disk info,0-79 tracks,09 sectors.... 2 sides Now for all techno addict (hackers and other crackers): I'm gonna tell ya how i did it (not) so fast... Sector $46 seems to be a fucking good protection... Internal dma routs load the content of this sector into Ram and then after starts the Dma sound to play this as a sample.. When this is done the prog checks for the right checksum by taking a value from the internal dma soundchip. It adds the result and multiplies it and finally ANDS it to find a certain value ($8a20.w to be correct...) then this value is used for the decode value of a blitter unscrambler routine... That is why your copy crashes if no patch is made since the blitter cannot unscramble the code.... Once this is done the unscrambled code recalculates another check sum by using the same good method... So just rewrites the content of sector $46 in 8 Remove the Checksums,put in a trainer... That's what i've done....... Pretty good or what? Hehe of course Disk Doctor doesn't handle this kind of stuff Piss off lamers........ Anyway especially all you lamers around buy this game It is great.... Games need to be bought.... Warning: there is a fucking bug in the game note that this is NOT a cracking error but a fucking bug... When you press space during the game to select weapon sometimes Synchro-errors occur... (at least on my two STE) I dunno for Falcon 030 but this is a bit irritating since this bug also happens on the original game.... This doesn't surprise me a lot since i know Agression are still great coders but still have problems coding overscan...(See Utopos 1.61 and Stardust) Anyway have fun playing this game.... And remember: Pirates will never prevent Agression to code Stardust's follow up. Atari is the one and only, who lets us all down..with their shit support.. Code for level two: BHQQAAAAAJLB Friendly handshakes to: Doctor Byte,Viking X,Sledge (You know for what!),Void!,Lunar,SMEG, Vectronix,Animal mine,Passwords,Cynix,Superior,Ph0ner (you're one of the best traders i ever seen in a long while it's too bad i dunno you,but keep up the good work with Hangloose) and all kewl guys that send me stuff to crack..... Bye Especially from Elite in 95 - Elite number One in 95